Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Kamala Harris admits she wants to get rid of PRIVATE health care plans: ‘That’s not American’

Kamala Harris admits she wants to get rid of PRIVATE health care plans: ‘That’s not American’

Kamala Harris admits she wants to get rid of PRIVATE health care plans: ‘That’s not American’

Posted: 29 Jan 2019 09:03 AM PST

Harris, who announced her 2020 bid for the White House last week, was asked by CNN host Jake Tapper Monday night if people could keep their current health care plan under her "Medicare-for-All" plan. She indicated that people could not, suggesting she wants to move toward a single-payer system rather than a mere expansion of Medicare. See also: Attorney General Matt Whitaker: Mueller probe '

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

John Bolton seen holding notepad with words '5000 troops to Colombia'

John Bolton seen holding notepad with words '5000 troops to Colombia'

John Bolton seen holding notepad with words '5000 troops to Colombia'

Posted: 28 Jan 2019 11:23 PM PST

National Security Adviser John Bolton doesn't strike me as the careless type, but during today's briefing he  seen holding notepad with words '5000 troops to Colombia'. "5,000 troops to Colombia" -Bolton's yellow pad  The speculation is that this has to do with Venezuela. See also: Judge Jeanine: Trump tries to make decisions that are best for you and me Here's more: NY POST –

Sarah Sanders: Trump opened government because Dems 'signaled' they're willing to make border deal

Posted: 28 Jan 2019 10:36 PM PST

Sarah Sanders took questions from reporters today for the first time in a while in an official press briefing, returning to the podium after President Trump said he had instructed her "not to bother" giving briefings for a while, citing inaccurate coverage. During the briefing, she explained why Trump reopened the government: "The President has opened the government on the basis that

Attorney General Matt Whitaker: Mueller probe 'close to being completed'

Posted: 28 Jan 2019 10:35 PM PST

The Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker has just told Special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election is "close to being completed,". JUST IN: At DOJ presser Acting AG Whitaker says Mueller investigation "close to being completed" in response to my question about his prior criticism of Special Counsel probe.  See also: Judge

Fashion model Elizabeth Pipk comes out as a huge Trump supporter – even if it means LOSING her career!

Posted: 28 Jan 2019 08:34 PM PST

23-year-old model Elizabeth Pipko is finally speaking out about being a Donald Trump supporter who worked full-time on his 2016 presidential campaign, a secret she kept from her industry colleagues, out of fear it could derail her career. Pipko went to great lengths to hide her political affiliation from the liberal-leaning fashion world, but is now coming clean about supporting the 45th

ANH HÙNG CÁI THẾ - CÁI THẾ HÀO HIỆP - The Final Combat (1989) - Châu Tinh Trì - Tập 1

Posted: 28 Jan 2019 11:32 AM PST

Câu truyện bắt đầu bởi cuốn bí kíp Ngọc Nữ Thần Công, Cổ Diễm Phương (Ngô Mạnh Đạt) vì muốn xưng bá võ lâm (tuyệt thế cao thủ - làm thủ lĩnh các đại phái) đã ăn cấp và học môn võ tà đạo, phản lại sư môn (phái Vân Thương). Cổ Phong (Em của Cổ Diễm Phương ) và Đoạn Hải vì muốn phá giải Ngọc nữ thần công của phản đồ Cổ Diễm Phương, lén ăn cắp bí cấp cổ truyền thất bại, Phong bị trục xuất sư môn.

President Trump lost the shutdown and Nancy Pelosi won

Posted: 28 Jan 2019 08:04 AM PST

I think it's insane that people are pretending all those polls hitting Trump for the shutdown are fake, BUT, I did not realize that it was also hitting Nancy Pelosi too. IN fact, in this recent poll she got the worst net approval rating for the politicians polled: More NBC/WSJ poll: Pelosi's negatives shot up during government shutdown more than any pol // now the most unpopular politician

Monday, January 28, 2019

[Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Sarah Sanders: Trump opened government because Dem....

Stephen Miller has left a new comment on your post "Sarah Sanders: Trump opened government because Dem...":

Sanders is a class act. I am so proud she is representing our great President Trump. We have a great economy. In spite of all of the left wing Socialist that spread hate and fear she has stayed strong and proven once again that it doesn't take a far left extremist to be an intelligent Woman who can help to lead this nation. The Constitution is alive and well. Thank you President Trump and thank you Mrs. Sanders for standing strong against some very angry people with mob mentality. God Bless America

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